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Taking the time to really plan your kitchen renovation in great detail is always worthwhile, but if you’re on a budget its absolutely critical. We’ve got some tips to help your dream kitchen come together without breaking the budget!

Before you start the renovation process, really think about what you want your new kitchen to achieve. Are you somebody who loves to entertain? Perhaps an island with extra seating or lots of bench space would work perfectly. Do you struggle to find things in your current kitchen? Incorporate drawers wherever you can. Do you have corners in your kitchen? Perhaps think about a corner pull out unit to maximise your kitchen usability. Do you like everything to have a place and for your kitchen to look neat and tidy? An on-bench pantry is much cheaper than a butler’s pantry or scullery and it can be used to hide away your bench top appliances, toaster and kettle, as well as store your bread, coffee, tea and canned foods tidily.

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Budget Saving tip #1: Choose from our Maniac range or our standard range of colours.

We buy our standard coloured material in bulk which means we can optimize the material and use any offcuts on other kitchens. You get the savings. If your heart is set on a colour outside of our standard range, choosing from a melamine prefinished board such as Melteca is much cheaper than painted, acrylic or vinyl thermoformed doors.

Budget Saving tip #2: Choose a laminate bench top from our standard range.

The same applies to the kitchen bench top. Choosing a laminate bench top from our standard stock range is the most cost effective. Again, we can use offcuts on another kitchen. You only pay for what we use and not what we throw away.

If stone or granite is a must for your dream kitchen we have a wide range available and can cater to most budgets.

Budget Saving tip #3: Don’t compromise on quality hardware and fittings.

We use Blum hardware with a lifetime warranty in ALL our kitchens. The hardware is what makes the kitchen function. It needs to last. There is nothing worse than having a beautiful new kitchen that after a year or two has sagging doors, grinding drawers and pull-outs that no longer pull-out.

Budget Saving tip #4: Choose your appliances wisely.

It might surprise you, but experts say there isn't much difference in reliability between high-end appliances and the less expensive ones. You may not get chef-worthy bells and whistles on less expensive ovens, refrigerators and dishwashers, but you will get sturdy, functional appliances. Buy from our appliance packages that we have put together with a team of experts or negotiate with some big retail dealers to get the best price possible. Many big retail outlets also offer extended period interest free deals so if that’s an option for you it can make paying for your appliances much less stressful.

Budget Saving tip #5: Style your kitchen!

It’s better for the budget to go with a simple but highly functional kitchen that you can style and accessorise well. Using tiles for the splash-back add impact and drama and are much cheaper than glass, stone or stainless steel. There are a lot of big retailers selling on-trend homewares at great prices so it’s easy to dress the kitchen up with beautiful accessories that are funky AND functional! Plants and greenery are also on-trend and good for the budget. Use your dream kitchen as a space to grow potted fresh herbs or display your gorgeous indoor plants.

And Finally...

Choose a kitchen supplier you feel comfortable with. One you feel listens and understands your needs. Being on a tight budget doesn’t mean you should expect anything less than the best service and a great quality product.

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